Paper Submission

Manuscript Submission Guidelines: All papers must be submitted electronically, in PDF format and uploaded on EDAS through the following link:

The submissions should be formatted in IEEE style format. The camera-ready version for an accepted paper cannot exceed 5 pages and must be at minimum 3 pages in length.

Copyright Submission: Login to your EDAS page, click on the +sign at the right of Copyright form, then click on IEEE Copyright Submission (red circles), and complete by answering few questions.

Presentation Submission: Talks will be pre-recorded and submitted via EDAS as video files before October 20, 2021 to be replayed during the conference. Please note that the final manuscripts must be uploaded prior to uploading the pre-recorded presentation. During the presentation, authors will need to be available online after their videos are played to answer Q&A from conference participants moderated by the respective Session Chairs. Please observe the following guidelines when preparing video files of your talks 

Duration of video files: 15 minutes
File Format: MPEG-4 (.mp4) file (use the normal H.264 video and AAC audio codecs)
Video Size: HD (1280 x 720 or other “720p” setting)
Audio Quality: please double check your files before submitting to make sure the audio is clear and audible!
Videos should contain a prominent view of the presentation slides along with audio of the spoken presentation. Optionally videos may contain a shot of the speaker’s head for increased engagement. Many presentation software allows recording audio and video directly in the application and can export appropriate video files (example PowerPoint).

To upload, first log onto EDAS and click on your accepted paper. Under Final Manuscript, you will find the upload option “Virtual Presentation Upload”. Click the cloud icon and upload your final presentation. You have two upload options:

  1. Choose File: If your MPEG-4 file is under 200 MB, please upload using the “Choose File” button. Once the file name is listed, please click “Upload MP4 Video”.
  2. URL: If you MP4 file is over 200 MB, please input a YouTube, One Drive, Dropbox or Google Drive directory URL into the text field. Once the URL is listed, please click “Upload MP4 Video”. Please note that the link must be a direct download link. Shared drive links will not upload. 

All pre-recorded presentations will be reviewed by the Session Chairs in order to guarantee relevant and high-quality content. If your presentation is not a strong reflection of the accepted Final Manuscript, or if the presenter is not one of the authors, the Chairs have the authority to reject the submission.

Q&A sessions: following the video paper, one of the authors needs to be on-line to address Q&A moderated by the Session Chair. Duration for Q&A sessions are 4-5 minutes